Monday, October 23, 2023

Economics GOAT

This is a silly business, but as someone who has taught history of economic thought, I can't help but offer an opinion... or three. 
1. Adam Smith
2. David Ricardo
Tied for 3rd (alphabetically):
Kenneth Arrow
Gary Becker
J.M. Keynes
Frank Ramsey

Frank who? Look him up. As for Friedman and Hayek... oh please... Hayek wrote a very nifty essay that every economist should read; Friedman's inflation expectations stuff is important... the rest is ideology. If you must have a free-market economist on your list, Becker kicks both their asses. 

Malthus?! That proto-Trumpian pastor? Smith had already laid out the population theory and way better, and presumably somebody else preceded Smith.

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Listen up, oldsters!

I [Loomis] really appreciated this Iggy Pop discussion about listening to new music when you are old. I am not that old, but this pretty much sums it up:
I keep reading that we decline in our 70s so I try to keep using my brain. Discovering new music opens my mind and the element of surprise keeps me connected. I feel like I’m mining for diamonds – and when you find the diamond, you know. When I heard Chaise Longue by Wet Leg I got really excited: it’s cheeky, with a wicked groove, but it’s the vocals – they’re almost metronomic. You could ask 100 people to sing it and it wouldn’t sound the same.

I’m sick of hearing old boys say you shouldn’t use synthetic tools. If you’re rich and have a garage and a car, you could start a rock band. But there’s people using synthesisers to play with guitars, horns, hypnotic breaths, and it’s fantastic. If I hear anyone say: “Things aren’t as good as they used to be,” I tell them to listen to the Moses Boyd remix of Pace by Nubya Garcia. It’s fantastically advanced contemporary music that tugs at the heartstrings. From Sons of Kemet to the Comet Is Coming, there’s so much good stuff about now. At my age, it helps to remain curious.
Not only is that Wet Leg song really great, but the principle is strong. If you have given up on new music, you have given up on life. What is the point of continuing to live if you are not curious about new things? It’s just sad. So put aside the ELP and Rush and fucking Jimmy Buffett albums a bit commenters and listen to some stuff by people under 30. Or even under 40! Just try!!

Monday, October 2, 2023

Can Music Be Perfect? Vol. 106

Had never heard of this very fine Chicano blues-crooner until this weekend, when this tune was played on our humble but also very fine local community radio station, KKUP. The Righteous Brothers' rendition is righteous, for sure, but this may be even better, with its slow, powerful, brassy groove.