Monday, April 25, 2016

Science reveals the secret to Freddie Mercury's voice...

... and it turns out to be... vibrato? Really? That's the best science has to offer? I can forgive Kelly McEvers for being a Queen fan. There's no shame in bad taste... many have it. But she really never noticed that ostentatious warble until now? Or are the "chills" she got from this revelation all part of the act, the feigned wonder and credulity that now seem to be a job requirement for NPR anchors, from David Greene to Ari Shapiro? And when I finally reach my limit and give up on them, where will I go?


  1. I think it is inevitable that you give up on NPR. To survive financially, they have to increasingly skew programming to a younger audience, and so the "Golly gee whiz" programming ("Aren't these political conventions so interesting and awesome!") will just continue. The probably correctly perceive as very low the returns to increasing cynicism, nevermind those amazing shows I used to love like "Insect soundscape of Vidalia, Georgia"...

  2. I feel sorry for Kelly, I imagine she is smart and capable. If only they granted tenure in journalism, the smart people could do the right thing...
