Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Bill Walton, RIP

When I was in grad school at Stanford, Bill Walton had started Stanford Law School (he never finished). There was a rumor going around that he was going to be on a team of lawyers for the three-on-three intramural basketball tournament, so a few of us decided we had better field our own team of Econ PhD students, if only for the opportunity to step onto the hardwood in the presence of greatness. I can't recall if we actually did enter, but for sure we never got far enough to play against Mister W, if indeed he was on a team (I think not). I played a lot of pickup hoops as a youngster, so I would have been able to appreciate getting my ass kicked by this absolute beast of an athlete... even if his feet and ankles were already pretty shaky at that point. I like to think he would have been kind to us. Anyway, it would have been something.

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